Understanding Sensaphone Environmental Monitoring Systems & How they will help you?
Suppose you are responsible for the safe and continuous operation of a remote facility, or you happen to own a vacation home with some equipment in the house that requires to be watched. What will you do if a pump at your facility fails? What if a freezer shuts down? What if a tank level gets too low or too high? What if temperature spikes, humidity spikes, water leaks, data center server downs, or power fails, etc? You do not have control over many factors that can cause problems, failures or disaster. But you can constantly monitor the remote facility or vacation home for any threat so you can react quickly to it. This is why the Sensaphone Remote Environmental Monitoring Systems were created.
Now, you have no problem keeping your assets safe - from oil pipe line in the desert to a small vacation home in the mid city. Sensaphone Remote Monitoring System continuously monitors or checks conditions and alerts you in real time when it detects a problem. You can monitor temperature, humidity, water level, water leak, electrical power, flow rate, and virtually any condition that can be monitored with a sensor. And, depending on the model of product, you can access your sensor data from anywhere, any time. In the event of an alarm, the system will send you an alert instantly, either by phone, text or email, depending on your setup. The system can send alarm alert to multiple people if your setup is as such. So, if you are a facility manager, a vacation home owner, or have important item or device at a remote location, then you surely need Sensaphone Remote Environmental Monitoring System to watch it for you. Sensaphone can instantly notify you when conditions at your remote location are not normal.
You can also check the status of the conditions at the remote location at any time by calling the system and listening to the status. For extra peace of mind, selected models of Sensaphone Remote Monitoring Systems include a battery backup module to keep your system working uninterrupted for many hours after power failure. The system comes in different models with different features and capabilities. To help you select the right Remote Environmental Monitoring System for your application, see Sensaphone applications below, or read Choosing the Right Sensaphone
What Is Sensaphone ?
IT MONITORS A SENSAPHONE monitors environmental conditions at a remote location and contacts you when a problems is detected. You can check at any time to make sure everything is okay.
IT NOTIFIES YOU SENSAPHONE products can notify you in a variety of ways when a problem is detected. They can call you on the phone and talk to you about an event that is occurring. They can even fax you, page you, e-mail you, and more. As soon as a situation arises, the Sensaphone will find you and tell you about it.
IT CHECKS STATUS AT ANY TIME Even when there are not critical events, you can always check the status of your remote site to give you peace of mind. You can make a phone call and hear the Sensaphone tell you that everything is okay, or you can even check the live status on a website on select Sensaphone products.